In search of anything and everything Blanco with the help of the ever-reliable Google, i came upon this article that made me a little bit angry (understatement):
i was searching for anything and everything news about the single "Yugto", Rico's latest craft and i found the article above. How cool is that? Just about the good news that quickly turned into a horror story.Dear Messrs. Baluyut & Blanco:
I write on behalf of Ms. Lizza G. Nakpil, the managing director of Rana Entertainment, Inc. with whom Mr. Blanco has a talent, promotion, management and royalty contract from 1994 until 2009.
Ms. Nakpil has been very disturbed and extremely distressed by your open, flagrant and malicious breach of the aforesaid agreement as shown by the article entitled "Yes, it's Rico Blanco" prominently printed and/or written on the cover page of the Entertainment Section of the Philippine Daily Star (sic) in its yesterday's (June 12th) issue.
Mr. Blanco cannot deny that he signed or executed the subject contract with Rana Entertainment, Inc. as duly represented by Ms. Nakpil not only as a member of the Rivermaya band but also as an independent talent himself. His lame and hollow excuse that he had already resigned from the band by virtue of a self-serving letter he wrote last 25 April 2007 does not free or release him from his own contractual obligations and/or liabilities therein.
Ms. Nakpil is aghast why Warner Music Philippines thru Mr. Baluyut would blatantly be a willing and collaborating party to Mr. Blanco's violation of his own personal undertaking with Rana Entertainment, Inc. to the detriment of Warner's internationally recognized name, fame and goodwill.
Mr. Blanco's assertion that he never renewed his contract with Rana Entertainment, Inc. upon its prior expiration in 2003 is a pure canard for the reason that he never had the option or right to reject its renewal. It had been given to Rana Entertainment, Inc. who, instead, opted to renew it until 2009. Succeeding events after 2003 proved an uninterrupted contractual relationship between them.
Ms. Nakpil insists on no less than Mr. Blanco's bona fide compliance with the terms and conditions of his contract with Rana Entertainment, Inc. and the respect for such legal undertaking by Warner Music Philippines. Short of it, she is prepared to translate this demand letter into a language of a lawsuit.
Very truly yours,
(Sgd.) HARRIET O. DEMETRIOU - /Philstar

Anyway, panic not and worry never, in my honest opinion Lizza Nakpil will do the right thing and simply just let the matter go. Of course, that is my personal wish because this i don't want good music and better musicians to be overshadowed (and even replaced) by matters that has no place in art. Who knows, if Ms. Nakpil does the unjustifiable this matter could be dragged into court. Again, no place for art on that one.
It's sad to see how things worked out for this group. First the Bamboo incident (which turned out nice for both sides, so that's pretty acceptable) and now this... Sad, sad. It's not so much that i have experienced the changes, it's more that i want other people to listen to his craft--- that is an experience itself that should be experienced by the new generation.
So whatever it is you are thinking, Ms. Nakpil... Don't. It's no music to the ears when an irreplaceable art is endangered by ill-intentions. Blanco wins on this one anyway, one way AND the other.
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