(Picture above: That's isle on the right off the big one, click to zoom)
First stopover, somewhere near Parañaque or Alabang i think (zero sense of direction) to meet up with Ron and his family and other friends. Time for a yosi-break. Went out of the car, and realized it was green. A couple of minutes later, Ron jokes about my colorblind-ness. All he got was a sheepish grin.
From there, it's a three-car convoy to Quezon. Four hours later or so, we arrived at the little town called Mauban and ate breakfast in a little resto called Lech-Gao. Lechon on Lugao sounds tasty but i settled for a Chami, a close cousin of your usual pansit.
(Picture above. Noel and Ron's back)
One hour later we were at a port called Pantalan, 45 minutes away from Cagbalete Island. News reports and text messages said that a storm was expected up north. The waves confirmed it as the people upfront were wet even before reaching the island. i was dripping as well.
A low tide welcomed us. Nobody quite whined especially the wet ones. Noel grabbed the cottage nearest the water. Nobody quite whined as well.
The afternoon turned to evening faster than i thought. The quick siesta rushed into dinner. The day flashed before my eyes... Blame Noel's early invitation (threat, actually) for a bottle of Vodka. Add the fact that Jester brought his own alcohol with the same name... And i hate Vodka for the longest time. Ever since i puked at Bonks' carpet at their place in San Felipe, Naga. So, in short i went away before i could even smell it... Noel must be fuming mad inside because i left him high and dry. Not literally of course. But i did not want to take that risk. Make that a pukeful of risk. Noel understands. And oh, i did take a shot or two or three when i woke up later that evening, but the inuman was already over and what i drank was the leftover. No worries. i can handle that one.
Thus, Day One was about sleep and the first escape.
Day Two. Saturday. In between text messages to Ron (officemate) and Don (former housemate) about the NBA Playoffs results were... More sleep and Gaiman... Oh, i did wake up early. And actually got a taste of the Cagbalete beach--- thanks to the high tide, you do not have to walk too far--- and swam before anyone awoke. i mean, i keep a six-pack and stuff, i don't want anyone staring at all.
(Picture above: Noel, Jester and Ron explore the island)
Utah lost and Cleveland won. Half a good news to start the morning which featured a walk along the shores. i thought it was half the island. Noel agrees. i loved the walk. Noel (always on these matters where he gets tired for NO reason) disagrees.
Ron, or Noel, should have warned me that the food for the outing was served five times a day. 3 for the major meals and a couple for the snacks. So much for the pretend six-pack, it was never there anyway.
(Picture above: Abusing the Macro-setting of the digital camera; Cagbalete beach at low tide)
By Saturday evening, everyone (Ok not every one, just the poker addicts) was excited for the 3rd (?) Cagbalete Poker Championship. There were only five of us, so i thought this would be my best chance to steal this "championship." Not until i discovered that Richard, Ron's friend and one of the players for the night was a professional poker player. Not to mention Ron is another pro anyway (But we already knew that) and Noel virtually folds every hand. And Jester, who talks his way to every hand (He does back it up on most hands).
But i was "a man on a mission" (Jester) and will "play inspired" (Noel)--- i was in a very different mood by the first hand. Having had received a bunch of text messages that really saved my day (no, make that weekend). Plus, i was also gahdamn lucky that evening.
i beat Jester, who was the first to get booted out, with a pair of 9. Then i risked a 3-3 against Ron... i remember the flop included a pair of K's and i was saved by the river (3) as i hit a full house... Ron bowed out because of pure luck. (Confession: i have been wanting to beat Ron at poker ever since they introduced me to the game, he is the best poker player i know. And hey this is the (former) boss that saved this life. i respect the man. So this particular feat is one for the books.)
The next two players? i had my confidence all build up. All i had to do was wait for the blinds to get bigger and attack... That i did. The Pro Poker Player that is Richard was probably cruising and wanting to get out of the mini-tournament to spend time with his family. Heck, what's a 100 peso buy-in for a pro like him? In less than 20 minutes, he was out too. And finally. Noel. The player who folds every hand. And who settles for 2nd place. And that's just the way he likes it.
While the pot was small, the title comes with a sense of satisfaction. Much like my fantasy win earlier this year. This is a once a year feat. Who cares really that half of the invited guests and previous Cagbalete guests did not come. i won it this year. And i'd like to defend it next summer.
And oh, i can put a smile on Noel's face too: Going (almost) all-in on a 3-3 draw? And against Ron, my own personal hero? Run and gun, Phoenix style works! Even in poker.
Final note for Day Two: Earlier in evening, Noel teased me for not speaking at all for the past 36 hours (oh really.) and goaded Ms. Eula (One of the guests, Chip's girlfriend--- Chip is Ron's friend. She talks in straight in English too.) to talk to me because errrm, well i don't speak at all.
So, over dinner with everybody else within earshot Eula suddenly blurts out a hi.
Me: Hello.That, my friends, put a sudden stop on the conversation. And i was kidding. Really i was. Thank god, Eula took the joke well but did not ask any more questions.
Eula: Enjoying the dinner?
Me: Yeah.
Eula (who i believe was trying to really open up this conversation): So, what do you like?
Me: Hmmmm. Errr. Well, i like NOT talking?
Thus, Day Two was about that smart-ass escape. And the steal at Poker. Such a nice day all things considered.
Day Three. Sunday. Everyone was a bit tired now and we were scheduled to leave right after breakfast. We ended up leaving at around noon. Eula talked to me over one of the benches and she understood my silence.
Damn it, i had a 3 paragraph rule for this 2 and a half day outing. i exceeded it and spoke 2 or three sentences more.