The initial salvo was about my hair, the second one is about your life. You've voted? Now be heard. The question goes...
Would you rather...
a) Die first? (Meaning, now now and now) - You will suddenly drop dead. The memories, your life will flash before your very eyes right about now...
+ All your problems are suddenly solved, well at least non-existent. And at worst, you can do none about it now.
+ Whatever you believe in, whichever God you have faith with, this will be it. You will meet Him at this hour...
- You will leave behind your loved ones. Early. Very early.
- For whatever mission you had, for whatever purpose you searched for... It's simple over. (Raise your hands just above chest level, cross left over right, and right over left: It's Ovah!)
- No more text messages from ANYone. (Unless there's a Globe signal in heaven/hell) Although those text messages you want to receive are rather laconic, it still puts a smile on your face every good night and smiley and good morning and smiley.
b) Die last? (Until after every human being is dead which means you are still alive roughly 5 minutes before doomsday)
+ More quality time with loved ones
+ Time to change your pathetic lifestyle
+ Time for a dinner or two with ANYone
- You really want to spend the last hours of your life alone?
- Everyone of your loved ones is dead before it's your time. If you ask me, that's real lonely
- Looooong wait to meet your Maker
c) Not answer the question (It's sick and it's real creepy... i take HYPOTHETICAL questions too seriously. Heck, come to think of it, i am taking life too seriously)
Pros and Cons:
You lack imagination.