Or maybe not? Maybe it's as real as the double-meaning dagger looks i get every single day. i admit, it couldn't be as piercing as paranoia perceives it to be since i may be getting those same looks from Day One, meaning it could be empty stares.
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Or maybe it's plain bullshit. Good old bluff from the hands-that-control-ye. Then again, just before the weekend, news intensified that there are indeed people who got the ax. Bye bye to you people (i'd assume i know one or two) and hello (welcome back) to paranoia.
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Or maybe it's really, really true. Because today feels like the calm before the storm. The real question really is, where you'd be when the shitstorm hit the fan.
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How do you prepare for the inevitable? You can't. But paranoia can save you. Not from the predicament itself but from false hope and expectations. Selling yourself short (to yourself) can sometimes save yourself. That won't make sense until there's an opportunity to stab yourself in the back. (Yes, that IS probable)--- Believe me, it could feel like Resurrection.
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So here we are. Curiously, it's roughly at the four-year mark since the start of the stint with Solar. This kind of timing sends shivers up your spine.
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And so, you wait. When paranoia calls, is it a bad thing?