It happened indeed! Final and official, i advanced to the next round. As i've described earlier it was a 6-6 score before today's final set of games... The winner of which advances to the semifinal round, and basically for my team just another lease on life and still a chance for that big 20 thousand bucks!
Basically, i won because of more minutes played (8 minutes to be exact and that is goddamn close in this business)... So there, ADD/DROP strategy works in the head to head leagues--- at least in this match-up anyway... Without a definitive line-up against the number one seed, it's time to dig even deeper, and ABUSE the add/drop strat!
So here i present to you the fantasy gods this week; call them scrubs, call them role players, but hey, THEY just gave me this victory this week:
Nick Young (against Jamario Moon in this picture) - Willed the Wizards to overtime (Then lost against the Lakers in the extra session) but gave me some precious, precious minutes.

Chris Quinn (hustling on the left of the photo) - Consistent minutes this week because of injuries to the Miami Heat team (including main man, Jason Williams, who by the way i dropped as early favorites... Now imagine if i played favorites...) Almost cost me the FG% cat via his stratrocious 3/13 shooting earlier today against Boston... And by the way, i noticed he's the only player in the league whose surname starts with the letter 'Q'. i have now anointed him my favorite scrub (role) player.
Statrocious Player Award for this week goes to Mehmet Okur (signing autographs in the photo. There you go Mehmet, i forgive you for this week because i won. Now, go play and stop flirting with those girls), who almost cost me this match-up by not playing the entire week. Blame his stomach virus. However, am not giving up on the Turkish guy, as i held on to him and most probably will be played (or so i hope) this week
Two important things happening today, first is the result of one head to head match-up in one of my fantasy leagues, the CSC LIVE LEAGUE (For more see previous blog entry from last week)... Going into the final day, my Airball team was tied (6-6) with the BadingerZ team. Now, Yahoo releases the OFFICIAL results at around 9 or 10 Philippine time but the post below (From the yahoo fantasy message boards) made my day:
The telling stats..
by: Noel Z (DrunkenMastershowman) Mar 31 3:01pm
James was correct in declaring that Ron would nail the rebounding stat. James won over Ron by a mere EIGHT MINUTES (1345-1337)! His team also managed to narrowly win the FG% war on the last day as Ron's squad shot .481, which could have still nailed that stat, but James' team shot a blistering .516.
Sir Noel Z is my (former) boss at Solar Sports as Executive Producer of the Sports Desk and is definitely reliable in things of this nature (Among other things). If you define passion for sports, definitely you'll have the word NOELZ (Or Bigote) somewhere in that definition. Now enough kissing Bigote's ass for now--- because we have set the credibility of Mr. Z now, haven't we?
While i would like to believe that little post, it's safe to say that it's never safe to assume anything with Yahoo... What if, somewhere along the way, they decided that they have mistakenly give a minute or two to a certain player of mine? i am Mr. Worst-Case Scenario, and i am not celebrating prematurely. Until i see that team Airball has reached the Semifinal Round, it's only then that i will rejoice.
Until then, the score is tied.
Oh, and the other thing to be excited about? It's the game tonight against Red Horse (3-0) which is still unbeaten in three outings in our office league. My White Castle (1-2) will try to stop a two game skid.
...The shoot (3rd CWC National Cable Wakeboarding Championships) over the weekend was good--- after all it was the first time i went to a coverage as a "producer." Mind you, i always go out for shoots but only as a writer. This time i had to do a little bit of stepping up because other producers were assigned to other shoots.. Anyway, i thought i did fine, except for the part where we had to do a panel interview with the foreign judges--- heck, i was prepared to interview them but NOT as a group. i hate people. And i really hate lots of people. i buckled on many of the questions but i thought i saved myself at the latter part.
That said, i give myself an above average performance of 5.5 out of 10. i know, i know that's sucking by my (and any) standard.