Always, always i am at awe at people who know how to play the piano. So much so, i'd trade both my hands just so i can learn how to play and master that craft. Sure, i know that Rivermaya's 20 Million (That's in the first album) starts with C-Em
Been reading up on a lot of random things (Well, not random interests anyway) over the net including a poker forum ( where i discovered i have still lots and lots of lessons to learn in this sport (Yes, it's a sport and you can't argue with me.)
Just the other weekend i lost 600. The total buy-in was P800, i did win P600 for placing 3rd in the first tournament then lost badly in the second set... Lesson learned: Stop playing if you can't stop drinking (tequila.)--- but heck, an all-in tastes much like the margarita, you don't really care what happens next.
What's worse than bad news? Seven days of anticipation and seven days of waiting for that bad news.
The (bad) news consequence is this: a 10-part 500 word post over the next couple of days or the silent bliss of not writing at all. Honestly, i am prepared for anything.
The news is in. Changes are coming. As with changes... It stabs you in the back, though you expect the pain... And i am not even looking at this one negatively. It's the not good, not bad kind of things.
So there, another waiting. Another level of paranoia waiting.
A couple of hours later... and roughly half-a-pack of Marlboro Lights...
The news is: nobody gets the boot but why do i get the feeling that every single one in this team was kicked in the nut? Sure, there's relief... But you can't deny the feeling of pseudo-melancholy. Sure, we all can breathe a little easier now. But... But, this is like blowing up the Phoenix Suns at their run and gun, seven seconds or less prime... (The analogy begins and ends with being a fun effective squad, don't go to winning all the way because that's just not fair...)
Fast fact: Sports Desk team is officially dead. DEAD. DEAD. DEAD.