Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Death is a serious business. Life?

In one of the personal and rather selfish polls i posted i asked for the opinions of my dear readers (all three of them, an optimistic estimate) on what's their take a. Dying First, b. Dying Last or c. Not Answering. Happy to announce that there was just a single voted who selected the last option as i deemed him/her uncreative should somebody pick that one (and rightfully so.)

So anyway, one comment was this one...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
how did you know that by this time you are taking your life seriously? if you were to ask between to die first and die last, which would you choose?

i did promise an answer as early as last week but only found time to address this one now. First of all, am not quite sure how "taking your life seriously" has any significance in my poll. Was the poll (question) too immature? Or rather too much imagination? i am just not sure how the "take life seriously" falls into the equation... But to answer the good commentator's question... No, i do not know if i know by now i am taking life seriously. And no, i don't think i'd ever take life (too) seriously as most people do. Would i be branded as irresponsibly immature or immaturely irresponsible by believing in such principle? Well, so be it. i really believe life is defined by ourselves, by our own point of view and perspective. The moment you give in to what others want and expect from you... The moment you give up your own idea of what should life is... i think that's death of a life itself.

On the second part.... Die First or Die Last?... Tough, tough one to answer. And even tougher to explain. But...Here's mine: to Die First. Why? i am a very selfish and weak person. All things considered. Too selfish that i don't want to be the last one dying in this world and earning all the heartaches because every one is falling like flies, one special moment at a time. i just don't see myself surviving the pain in the procrastination of an impending death which is still at the end of the world. By the time doomsday starts, my own has ended a long time ago.

And weak. i am a sissy. i can tolerate pain that i feel but not the pain that rubs off mine. i can be overly insensitive but there's a good guy in me that sympathize with even the smallest amount of depression... Dying First gives me the easiest escape of not feeling anything when everyone around me is dying.

So there.

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