That in a gist is the definition of the state of being drunk. Three buckets of San Mig Light should do you in. Or a trio of Red Horse Beer jumbo should put you away. Or a bottle of tequila could bring you to the depths of hell and the bliss of heaven--- at the same time of course. Try it out, lose a grip and grab a bottle or two, and you will know what i mean.
In Magic: The Gathering terms (Unstable Mutation, the card on the left) is an Enchant Creature type of card. For the innocent Magic is a card game wherein you basically become the errrr... magician. With various card types, you can cast creatures, create spells etcetera etcetera. Now if you are really interested with the game might as well go to the official site: i want to explain further but it would be too complicated. Much more complicated than explaining Unstable Mutation, the state of being drunk.
To continue the analogy, after your personal limits of alcohol, you basically gain a bit of confidence. (Target creature gains +3/+3) Call it temporary reprieve from modesty and the unintentional omission of humility. This is where the fun begins. From personal experience the +3/+3 part was manifested in what i believe (even before alcohol sets in) what lacks in me. Suddenly, i feel i am 6 foot 2. Suddenly, i am the crazed action star who do his own stunts. Suddenly, i feel i can jump off rooftops. Suddenly, i just become a little more stupid than usual. The end result is never pretty: Not-so-baby gash inside your left arm plus one half-inch scar just at the top of your forehead to remind you of the battle with temporary insanity and full stupidity.
But it's not all negative you see. For stupidity has seen better days and stupidity might as well be the root of a real productive day. i can remember a few articles and pieces i have written were of quality in spite of the alcohol-infested brain. i know i am a better conversationalist after a Red Horse or two; i know i am a better at NBA Live Playstation after a single beer (There are limits, at three or four bottles i could be heaving half court shots already, by accident of course); i am not sure if i am a better person after a case or so, but heck i am pretty sure you'll be impressed and depressed by the genius and stupid in me, not respectively...
Going back to the analogy... After the drinking session, it's where the emotion ride begins. (Each round, put a -1/-1 counter on the creature during it's controller's upkeep) Where over-thinking overrules emotions and where over-feeling out-pace the overall thought process. At first you can handle it because you were off an emotional high (for the lack of better phrase)... You can even understand and accept the downgrade because well, you quite expected it... Then it hits you. Suddenly, you feel nothing (In Magic that's 0/0) and simply, dead. (In Magic, it's the same word)
That wasn't even the bad news because the next sentence says: These counters remain even if this enchantment is removed before the creature dies. Ouch. Drink moderately.
(Enough analogy for the day, i am starting to realize it's not even alcohol that has the closest comparison to the Unstable Mutation card)
Make that number one on my wish list in the NBA off-season! i know, i know that is simply a personal pipe dream, the chances are bleak and i am just getting my bias way ahead of me but it IS a possibility, right?
Jason Williams signs with the Phoenix Suns for part of the Mid Level Exception--- roughly around $3M per year with the duration of the contract running for 2 or 3 years. Come on Jason, you are not getting any younger and this will be the perfect team for your farewell performance. A team that will be running and gunning night in and night out. Not to mention, you'll also be reunited with Shaquille O'Neal whom you won a ring with in Miami.
With the mileage also up there (10 years in the league now, 33 years old) it's not unacceptable to think that White Chocolate can adjust to back-up minutes, say around 15 to 20 per outing and fill-in whenever Steve Nash needs rest or is injured. Sure, sure it's he isn't much of an improvement defensively but definitely he can do the point guard role a la the Canadian Captain whenever his number is called.
So what i will do the rest of this season and the offseason is pray that Williams believes that he can still help a team and that the Phoenix Suns will be the best team for him. Already there are rumors that he will sign with the Orlando Magic next year with the flashy and error-prone point choosing to play for a Florida team because that's the state which he calls home. That is not entirely bad news as he joins a young cast of players that include Dwight Howard and Rashard Lewis and can even outplay the undersized and overrated Jameer Nelson for some stretches but Williams in Phoenix and their fast paced style will simply reignite and reborn Jason's career--- flashbacks to the Sacramento days and you'll know what i mean.
i don't know how fond Steve Kerr (general manager, Phoenix Suns) is of Jason and if he thinks the latter will be a right fit... The playoffs is not yet even over but i already have these wild ideas for the off-season.