Friday, May 30, 2008

Biting the Bullet

Heck. Lately, i can't think of anything to write. It must be lack of sleep again. Anyway, a few random realizations this Friday in bullet points!

(i assume everyone agrees that the "bullet point" is the greatest typographical symbol invented in the history of writing civilization. Imagine! You actually have a chance, and a choice, to not "settle" and use the more formal, and oft-times more required, "paragraph" form of writing. Take that, grammar and writing pow-lice!)
  • Our team was assigned to shoot the APT Ray Ban Celebrity Tournament at Dusit Hotel last Tuesday...
  • i was excited since it involved poker but not everyone in the team felt the same way... Well, i was probably the only one excited...
  • Poker coverage won't work if the freaking tournament director can not follow instructions!
  • Come to think of it, celebrity poker coverage won't work if the freaking celebrities can not follow instructions!
  • Quick explanation on the last two bullets: even with a lipstick camera one or two persons can NOT really monitor the cards!
  • So good luck to our team putting up the graphics because of the tournament director, who wouldn't do his job and the celebrities who couldn't follow instructions...
  • Speaking of graphics... Since we will be rather short on the "resources" this calls for another creative escape...
  • It's called "manipulating the graphics" and you won't ever notice what, how and why it still worked..
  • Watch the celebrity tournament 2-3 weeks from now... Yes, it will take that much time to edit this shit..
Other notes...
  • Meetings can tell you about lots of people's tendencies... and their potentials... or how worthless your boss (one of them, anyway) is.
  • Well not exactly worthless... You just hope that your boss showed more errrr... spunk and emotion in that meeting, i mean it's part of the responsibility, right?
  • But, no... and worthless was exactly the right word.
  • ...Impressive was the pair of "bosses" from other channels.
  • You almost wish you were transferred to those other channels. Indeed, i can learn a thing or two or three or more about my job and other things if i was under them...
  • i DID not catch their names but i won't forget how they handled themselves in a meeting such as that one. It was a lesson on organization and poise, we hope one boss took the cue...
Still more notes:
  • When i try to talk, and there's is still no conversation, what is it called? Indifference, baby. Indifference is the right word.