Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Great Escape: Off to Ron's Isle

All set for weekend's grand outing. (Which is three years in the making as former Solar boss Ron Regis invited me since Year One.)

The things that i might need or not but will bring anyway;
1 bag -
5 t-shirts
4 shorts.
4 undies.
A couple of Bioflu for the headaches.
A couple of Mefenamic acid for the toothache.
1 book, Neil Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors--- i don't know really if i'll have time to read but...
Cellphone, freshly uploaded with Maya songs (the new album, might as well listen to it again and see if my opinion changes) + Ben Folds Five music.
Some cash --- Noel Old Man says to prepare for the poker games; i agree, obviously.
Newly-bought shades at a cheap 250 pesos - Hmmm. If a tidal wave hits, at least i look a little bit better?
Borrowed digital camera for obvious purposes (Among them probably, for this blog...)

And the memory of you sitting in front of your PC at Floor Number Ten.

i think i am going to enjoy this getaway after all. Praytell, the escape would be doubly better if i am with you.

Pressing the right buttons

This is not at all funny. Suddenly all the buttons necessary for formatting are gone from the "create message/edit posts" page in this site. i tried to look for solutions across the net and in the help pages here but i can't seem to solve the problem. So from hereon out i have to study the HTML codes so i can learn how to post pictures and various formatting needs (quote, link, etc.)

Paranoia says its the admin again blocking features of certain sites... If that is the real issue... Damn it, they just pressed the right buttons and destroyed whatever momentum i had in this writing thing. Adjust and adjust--- that's the only logical thing to do.