Foe Outworn ~ Two One Four
A fun, yet stupid competition--- the phrase an easy anagram of a stupid (yet fun) competition--- that's the title for a blog entry of my friend, who takes the saying "life is a game" way too seriously. Too serious that the word "game" for him is replaceable with the word "competition" thus, that "life is a competition." So much competitive bones that i had to make an anagram of the 90's Rivermaya song, 214...
Sure, it was me who was either late (or absent) for work (or school) because i was down, 0-2 in our little Playstation2 NBA Live battles (Hey, a best-of-five wouldn't hurt, right?) Sure, i may have requested another round of beer or two during the drinking sprees because no one is freaking drunk yet (Come to think of it, at these times everyone's competitive spirit is just at an all-time high) just to prove that, well, no one is freaking drunk yet which is the same as proving nothing. Sure, i bet on sports, friendly and not-so-friendly wagers , losing half the time and winning some of it.
Sure, sure i may be a bit passionate about arguing how i don't believe in competition. i hate it, despise it. i don't think human beings are made that way. When challenged to a duel, a man just lie down and play dead. When summoned to a fight, a man just run and go far, far away.
(And about this time an officemate challenges me to a Fight Night, PSP network battle. Excuse me, i have to get this one.)
And oh, click on the link above and read my friend's post--- the anagrammed piece he made is posted there and was made to go up against my piece (Posted image above) Basically, it's an anagrammed lyrics of our favorite bands songs. i hated doing that too--- anagramming lyrics just for competition? Gahd.
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