Being a little bit of a fan, i've transcribed most from the nba.com first interview by Jwill as a Magic:
The workout went well. It was a little longer than what I anticipated, but it was good. The results were great.
Obviously I can stay in gameshape without playing games…. I am not one who like running on treadmills or anything like that…
Ready to go in 2-3 weeks… From Day One last year from the first game on TV i missed the game… Just love of the game..
I know they are a pretty good team… They went to the Finals, they came up a little up short but… I just want to come in and help anyway I can whether 20 minutes a night on game or 2 minutes tomorrow…
The team is first and foremost, a good team.. and I lived here for 9 years so… I won’t have to move my family… stay home and play ball is what you want to do…
I initiated this deal back in ’98… (laughter)… but like I said, I am just thankful they gave me a chance… The teams is different from last year but the core of the group is the same.. If you look at their careers, they’re hungry so… they want a taste of the championship…
We talked a little about that (championship experience) but those guys were just worried whether could still move… obviously, I would have been too.. I took a year off, I am 33.. I would want to see before something happened…
I think the championship experience will rub off… but I don’t want to be vocal… they don’t need my leadership.. they’ve already got it. I am just here to help…
This is nothing like Brett Favre if that’s you are getting to. (laughter)… I retired under personal situations… like I said from day one I miss the game… my wife was happy that I was home but I was in the backroom watching games all night..
The main thing I’ve learned is that 3 kids is difficult to manage than 2 (laughter)… but it’s fun, nothing on the basketball level that I’ve learned…
I’m not one to look at a team on paper, man… paper doesn’t mean anything.. you got to get out there and do it..
Are you scared… (big squint) Scared? No. I’ve listened to everything but what stays that’s a different story… like selective hearing…
But one thing that sticks out was Hubie Brown… which might get me in trouble at times, might not but he said: Never to keep anything inside.. you don’t want to alter yourself… I will always remember that…
reporter asking the same question) … If you weren’t late, you would have known the answer… just kidding just kidding (more laughter)
I hope I make to retirement again, how about that..(laughter) just take this course and not look too far ahead.. Championship.. I think if any player that is not their ultimate dream something’s wrong… why play?
I miss the camaraderie in the locker room… Joking with…Just teasing your teammates… you can only tease your wife so much before you get into trouble…