Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bite the Bullet: On Packy, Poker and Softdrinks

Damn it. Am not drinking anymore. It's just sad. Another weekend wasted. Another 48 hours of non-stop drinking (exaggeration) which could have been devoted to blogging or even doing advance work for the upcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic. Nah. i won't make any promises because i'll break them 5 minutes after making it so i won't be saying i won't be drinking ever because it only means i am on my way to the nearest sari-sari store to buy a couple of Red Horse (If i am not that tired) or a couple of San Mig Light (if i am not that bored).

That's just probably hangover talking. You know, it's always like a bad breakup... Always that cloud in your head after such such a great time.
Hangover: "It's not you, it's the times"
Me: "Shut up and sleep."
So without further ado here are some realizations over the weekend which i'd like to call the Biting the Bullet segment. Yes, yes it's just a lame play with the word "bullet" (points) and the biting part is a rather interesting word in its own right (when used with reality you can really have something there)--- there, i just explained it. Creativity even in a pun with nothingness, imagination without reason. (Wait i am getting ahead of the so without further ado part, and so, the bullets begin:)
  • Blame Kristian (Encarnacion's) 28th birthday for another stupid (but fun) act when semi-drunk ( i shall be posting the picture anytime this week and that would explain both the fun and stupid part. As i've told Pipoy, with this group i can't seem to beat them (there it goes again, i just admitted that even this is competition.. No, make that with this group of fun-loving and generally happy people) with their bag of jokes and random acts of witty gags all i can do really is apply the "one time, big time" approach. The softdrinks story should be one of them. (The picture is adobephotoshopped . Promise.)

  • Blame Mr. NG for a little problem with our Ray Ban Poker offtube later this week (for backing out but he was never in, he told me over a text message because nobody said anything to him. How's that for organization?)... That little on our end cost me this particularly interesting exchange and errr idea for future poker events... i asked myself why not Poker in Tagalog or Taglish!!! Well, i know i know it wouldn't sell with such an elitist target of the sport (ok, the game) but nonetheless i think it will click as a plug of sorts (how to suggest it to the higher-ups is the next step though)... (Come to think of it, it deserves another entry right after this one so...)
  • Blame Monday's sickness on all of weekend of sleeping and practically doing nothing. The sickness's name? She's called laziness as well.
  • Lots to blame still including Manny Pacquiao who made us proud once again. But sleep is starting to take over and it's a rare thing. i should take advantage.

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